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Compiling anonymous functions embedded in structure

    Date: 11 Sep 1985 1232-PDT
    From: Rem@IMSSS
    Subject: Compiling anonymous functions embedded in structure

    Instead of saying #'(LAMBDA ...) which the compiler doesn't recognize
    as something to compile, you could say (DEFUN TEMPNAME ...) then explicitly
    copy that codepointer from the function cell of TEMPNAME to the place it's
    really wanted. This is a simple way for the esoteric programmer to get around
    this deficiency in the compiler.

Yeah, and while we're being esoteric, let's scrap FUNCALL (which should
be called CALL anyway . . .) in favor of the phrase

	(setf (get '*MAJIC* 'EXPR) <function>)
	(*MAJIC* <arg> <arg> <arg>)

which I think I actually saw in some piece of MacLisp some time ago . . .