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Re: loop macro

	From: Robert W. Kerns <RWK@SCRC-YUKON.ARPA>

	    From: Liz Allen <liz@brillig.umd.edu>

	    I don't really remember needing to use a DO* type
	    binding of iteration variables.  I guess I would use
	    a LET to bind some common value and use it in the init
	    part of the iteration values.

	I use the DO* type of binding far more often than not.
	And it isn't an issue for the init part of the iteration,
	it's for the stepping.

I finally had a chance to look up DO vs DO* in CLtL -- and I was
mistaken above.  It turns out that the Franz DO that we use works
exactly like the DO* in Common Lisp...  So, we always use DO* type
binding -- and have never seemed to need the other type of binding.
