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Re: Some easy ones (?)

    Date: Thu, 24 Jul 86 13:58 EDT
    From: David C. Plummer <DCP@QUABBIN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    To: NGALL@G.BBN.COM, common-lisp@SU-AI.ARPA
    Subject: Re: Some easy ones (?)
    In-Reply-To: <[G.BBN.COM]23-Jul-86 22:27:40.NGALL>
    Message-ID: <860724135811.3.DCP@FIREBIRD.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
	Date: 23 Jul 1986 22:27-EDT
	    Date: Wed, 23 Jul 86 13:08 EDT
	    From: David C. Plummer <DCP@QUABBIN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
	    To: NGALL@G.BBN.COM, Fahlman@C.CS.CMU.EDU
	    Subject: Re: Some easy ones (?)
	    In-Reply-To: <[G.BBN.COM]23-Jul-86 02:30:50.NGALL>
	    Message-ID: <860723130828.1.DCP@FIREBIRD.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
		Date: 23 Jul 1986 02:30-EDT
		Taking into account the other comments on this function (the ones that
		I agree with at least), how about this proposal
		(PARSE-BODY body &optional environment
		Parses a BODY argument of the form
		({declaration|doc-string}* {form}*)
	    Until somebody says something profound to change my mind, I hold that if
	    a "body" may not contain either declarations or doc-strings, it is not a
	    true body, and therefore you have no right to call PARSE-BODY.  I have
	    no idea what the reference to CASE and PROGN was.  If the claim that
	    each clause of a CASE contained a "body" you are wrong; it contains an
	    "implicit PROGN".  Implicit PROGNs are not suitable arguments to
	This may not be profound, but its true.  A robust macro definition of
	CASE, i.e., one that performs an expansion time check to ensure that
	the initial forms after the KEYFORM are not declarations, can be
	written much more easily with DECLARATIONS-ALLOWED-P, e.g.,
	(defmacro case (keyform &rest clauses &environment env)
	  (multiple-value-bind (decls doc clauses)
			       (parse-body clauses env nil)
			       (declare (ignore decls doc))
	    ;; At this point I can rest assured that parse-body has detected
	    ;; any illegal declarations.
    Congradulations, you just broke CASE.  Three things: First, you are
    calling parse-body on an &REST.  The is semantically 100% incorrect.
    Second, this form won't work:
	    (case foo
	      (declare (print "FOO's value was DECLARE"))
	      (otherwise (print "FOO's value was not DECLARE")))
    Third, this breaks worse
	    (macrolet ((uncalled-macro (&rest ignore)
			 (error "Loser!!")))
	      (case foo
		(uncalled-macro (print "FOO's value was UNCALLED-MACRO"))
		(otherwise (print "FOO's value was something else"))))
    I think both are obvious.

Yes they are.  Sorry I didn't see them.
	Things are easier still if we adopt my proposal for &body:
	(defmacro case (keyform &body (&forms clauses))
	  ;; At this point I can rest assured that parse-body has detected
	  ;; any illegal declarations.
	Profound enough?
    Wrong again.  (Adding complex syntax doesn't help, either.)  They aren't
    forms.  They are case clauses.  Here's the full syntactic definition of
    case, I think (it differs slightly from page 117):
	     { ( { atom-not-t-nil-otherwise | ( {atom}* ) }
		 . implicit-progn ) }*
	     { nothing | ( { otherwise | t }
			   . implicit-progn ) }
    There is no body in here what-so-ever.  Therefore, parse-body is
    conceptually the wrong thing.  Maybe what you want is something called
    VERIFY-IMPLICIT-PROGN?  The contract of this is to make sure there
    aren't any declarations?

Yes.  PARSE-BODY called with DECLARATIONS-ALLOWED-P of NIL would be
used to verify that an implicit PROGN does not begin with decls (it
could be used with 'bodies' other than implicit PROGNs, but only if
such bodies do not allow a declaration-like syntax (unlike CASE and
COND (boy, did I pick a bad example!)).

Yes. Its contract would be to make sure there aren't any declarations.
This was the point I was trying (and failing so miserably) to make.

-- Nick