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Practical (values)

   I am always wondering about  the multiple-values feature  of CommonLisp,
more specially the possibility of  returning NO values,  through a (VALUES)

   Very often one defines a function which does not  return any informative
value (at least it is only meant to have a side effect, but the  value that
happens to be returned should be irrelevant). This  is a situation  where I
am tempted to put a  (VALUES) form a  the  end of the  function body. It is
certainly cleaner and  it should not  compile  into less efficient code, at
least "there is   no reason why it  should  give  worse   code"  (the usual
incantation).  Yes, but practically ?

   Could someone give me (us) explanations about this ?   How is it usually
implemented ? Is it more, less, equally efficient ? Only in connection with
(OPTIMIZE ...)  declarations ? (TYPE ...) declarations ?

LIFIA - IMAG,  BP 68                           UUCP : ...mcvax!imag!lifia!phs
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres, FRANCE

"Algebraic symbols are used when you do not know what you are talking about."