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What does TYIPEEK mean?
- To: "common-lisp" <common-lisp@sail.stanford.edu>
- Subject: What does TYIPEEK mean?
- From: "CUGINI, JOHN" <cugini@icst-ecf>
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1987 16:59:00 -0000
- Reply-to: "CUGINI, JOHN" <cugini@icst-ecf>
I recently got Forgy's OPS5 interpreter, written in fairly
Common Lisp, running on our VAX (under VMS). When I ran
it thru the VAXLisp compiler, there were a few error messages,
most of which I can handle (eg, spell GREATERP as ">"),
but there were several references to an undefined TYIPEEK function,
like 'frinstance:
;;; RHS Functions
(defmacro accept (&rest z)
`(prog (port arg)
(cond ((> (length ',z) 1.)
(%warn '|accept: wrong number of arguments| ',z)
(return nil)))
(setq port t)
(cond (*accept-file*
(setq port ($ifile *accept-file*))
(cond ((null port)
(%warn '|accept: file has been closed| *accept-file*)
(return nil)))))
(cond ((= (length ',z) 1)
(setq arg ($varbind (car ',z)))
(cond ((not (symbolp arg))
(%warn '|accept: illegal file name| arg)
(return nil)))
(setq port ($ifile arg))
(cond ((null port)
(%warn '|accept: file not open for input| arg)
(return nil)))))
(cond ((= (tyipeek port) -1.)
($value 'end-of-file)
(return nil)))
(flat-value (read port))))
(defun span-chars (x prt)
(do ((ch (tyipeek prt) (tyipeek prt)))
((not (member ch x #'char-equal))) (read-char prt)))
I think this may be left over from MacLisp. Is the following an
OK implementation?
(defun tyipeek (port)
(peek-char nil port nil -1.))
Thanks for any advice....
John Cugini <Cugini@icst-ecf>