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- To: common-lisp at SU-AI
- Subject: Mini-ballot
- From: Scott E. Fahlman <Fahlman at Cmu-20c>
- Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1982 00:56:00 -0000
(1) (b) is the right thing. (c) is okay for now if we can't get agreement.
(a) Still looks needlessly complex to me, though I could swallow it
with a few simplifications and the elimination of the locative
pointer business. (MOON) is wrong-headed and unacceptable.
(2) To me, the purpose of the asterisks is to flag those variables that
are "property of Lisp" so that the user doesn't accidentally
blunder into them. I don't need to be reminded which things it
makes sense to bind, once I see that the variable is part of the
Lisp system, since that is obvious from the name of the variable.
I could live with the opposite decision, to have no stars on Lisp
constants, but would really hate to see them sprout additional