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Re: #, read macro

One use of this construct is to simulate ALGOL-like OWN variables; to wit:
  (defun foo (arg ... &aux (var '#,<complex expression>))
      body that references var...)
where the <complex expression> is computed in terms of previously defined
defvars, defuns, etc., and you don't want to create yet another only-used-in
one-place special variable, e.g.,
  (defvar *foos-own* <complex expression>)
  (defun foo (args ...)
      body that reference *foos-own* insteadof var...)
By the way, there's not much use to trying to clean up the use of #, until
you do a better job of defining EVAL-WHEN (or whatever you call it now).
If you do that properly, not only will #, be easy to understand, implement, and
use, but I'd guess that several natural and useful extentions will occur.
