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constant folding/smashing

    What about constant hash-tables?  No variety of QUOTE can build
    a constant hash table because there is no notation for them.
    (I don't count #.(make-hash-table...) because it's so gross.)
    This suggests that something like the 'purcopy' function is still
    needed.  However, should this be recursive in the case of hash tables?
    Certainly the KEYS of ANY hash table must be thought of as constants,
    because otherwise the table can become inconsistent.  But I can
    think of situations both where the values should also be constants
    (if the table is) and where the valueshould not be constants.
    Making 'pucopy' non-recursive is fine for large data structures,
    like arrays, structures, strings etc., but I think most people
    feel that CONSes in list structure should be handled in one fell
    swoop.  Perhaps a 'pucopy' function should accept a data argument
    and an arbitrary number of type specifiers, indicating the
    data types to recurse through.
    In general I like the idea of quoted constants being read-only,
    because it ensures that the semantics of a function at run-time
    are apparent from its textual representation as code.  If constants
    are not read-only then:
    (defun foo ()
    	'(a b c))
    Really means
    (defun foo ()
    (setq G00047 '(a b c))
    On the other hand, I think it would be consistent to define BACKQUOTE
    so that it always makes a fresh copy of its entire argument.  This
    is reasonable, since BACKQUOTE already has to copy its argument
    down to the last comma.  Die-hards who really want to avoid the
    final CONSing in a BACKQUOTE could use ,'(...) to insert un-copied