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- To: common-lisp%su-ai@usc-ecl
- Subject: Lunar DEFSETF
- From: Scott E. Fahlman <Fahlman@CMU-CS-C>
- Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1983 03:17:00 -0000
- Mail-from: ARPANET site SU-AI rcvd at 23-Apr-83 2019-PST
It took a while (and some clarifying) for me to understand Dave Moon's
new DEFSETF proposal, but for the record I now believe that it is all
necessary and that nothing simpler will cut it. Given the need for this
much complexity, Moon's solution is elegant: even hard-core users will
seldom have to deal directly with the general 5-value forms, since the
simpler forms are handled automatically, but the escape hatch is there
if they need it. So I endorse this proposal.
I am still opposed to the inclusion of multiple new values, however.
-- Scott