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- To: common-lisp%su-ai@usc-ecl
- Subject: char-not-equal
- From: Bernard S. Greenberg <BSG%SCRC-TENEX@MIT-MC>
- Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1983 20:07:00 -0000
- Cc: common-lisp-implementors%SCRC-TENEX@MIT-MC
- Mail-from: ARPANET site SU-AI rcvd at 29-Mar-83 1335-PST
What is this function supposed to do when given more than 2 arguments, and if so, why?
That is to say, do all the characters have to be not equal, or just any 2 of them?
I can envision a game program that says, "Type 6 different characters to ...", and
then uses this function to barf at you, but short of that, it seems pretty fraudulent.
BTW, please put me on the common-lisp@su-ai mailing list, thanks.