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Gaussian rationals

    Date: Friday, 3 June 1983, 17:27-EDT
    From: David A. Moon <Moon%SCRC-TENEX%MIT-MC at SU-DSN>
    Having Gaussian rationals behave as an extension of the real rationals
    seems superficially plausible, but I don't consider myself competent to
    evaluate the implications.  Let me ask the $64 question: will the
    result of any function, other than type-checking functions and
    transcendental functions, be affected by this change (i.e. are there
    other functions that treat complex numbers on the real line different
    from real numbers)?

I just carefully checked the Laser manual.  I'm fairly certain that the
answer to your $64 question is:  No.

However, I am not 100% convinced we are all talking the same language here.
Let me present a small dialog with a Common Lisp interpreter to demonstrate
the behavior I think we are proposing here:

(= (/ 4 2) 2)
T			;whatever (/ 4 2) returns, it must be
			;indistinguishable from 2.  [Except perhaps by
			;using EQ?  I guess that doesn't matter.]
(integerp (/ 4 2))
T			;Indistinguishable.
(eql (/ 4 2) 2)
T			;eql is defined to be = for numbers.
(= (complex 2 0) 4/2)	;Typing "4/2" should be just like typing "2".
T			;Again indistinguishable.
(+ #C(2/3 0) 1/3)	;Typing "#C(2/3 0)" is just like typing "2/3".
(integerp *)
T			;Whatever it is, it acts like an integer.
(nth (+ #C(0/69 7/7) (* 3 (complex (/ 4 6) -1/3))
     '(zero one two three))

Now there is one issue that can go either way.  Currently (according to
page 24 of Laser) the complex type and the rational type are DISJOINT.  I
presume the idea is that the complex type is to consist of only those
numbers with non-zero imaginary part.  Unfortunately this is a mis-use of
the mathematical term "complex", which is normally applied to a set of
numbers that INCLUDES the real numbers.  The predicate COMPLEXP should
correctly be true of ALL Common Lisp number types, and should thus be

Better I think, would be to have a type named REAL, then where previously
you would have written (COMPLEXP ...), now you would write
(NOT (REALP ...)).  I understand that there is a tendency in computer
languages to mis-use the word "real" to mean "floating point", but it's a
shame to introduce a new mis-use to cover for an old one.

[ BTW, I just chased all over the Laser manual trying to find where the
  printed representation of complex numbers is set forth.  I found it on
  page 15, but I looked first in the Numbers chapter, and second in the
  section of the I/O chapter titled "Printed representation...".  All
  plausible places to find such information...]