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mem. day ballot
- To: common-lisp @ SU-AI
- Subject: mem. day ballot
- From: Glenn S. Burke <GSB @ MIT-ML>
- Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1983 04:50:00 -0000
1. Eliminate parse-number.
Have parse-integer, as bernie suggested. This will eliminate
all those dumb loops everyone seems to write all the time, and
will also presumably have less overhead than a general read.
3. get-internal-time/get-real-time
Sure, but i find the names (the contrast between them) disconcerting.
It sounds like they are different units. ("internal" sounds like
an internal representation, whereas "real" does not.) I have no
alternate suggestion, and don't care all that much.
4. Eliminate implementation-dependent special-forms in macro-expansion.
I guess i can accept this, although i would prefer to have a
template-driven code-walker so that this would not be necessary.
(As it is, i have many special forms which aren't even defined
in the interpreter; they exist only to get the compiler to do
some fancy things for special low-level code which never runs
5. :allow-other-keys
6. NIL in multiple-value[-bind]
7. Eliminate CATCH-ALL and UNWIND-ALL.
No opinion, i haven't thought about them or implemented them.
8. defmacro destructuring
The whole thing should be subject to destructuring, including
those positions in &mumbles which are unambiguous variable
positions. I strongly suggest that we standardize on a
primitive to do a destructuring bind in this manner, with syntax
(name pattern value . body). I can't think up a good name, but
it should not be rooted in LET. My experience with having
LET do this type of destructuring is that it is a pain to do
multiple "parallel" destructurings, and also that they are
much much harder to read with those extra parentheses.
10. simple-vector
12. :named keyword to make-array/make-simple-vector
I will send this out separately. It bothers me and leaves
too many things unspecified.
13. Reintroduce *IBASE*...
Yes, but *READ-BASE*.
14. sub-read
I really don't care. There is not really a problem with defining
functions in pairs; for instance, in NIL, we have
(defun readline (&restv v)
(read-apply ':readline #'readline-raw v))
(defun read (&restv v)
(read-apply ':read #'read-raw v))
where read-raw and readline-raw are the simpler versions.
15. Propose that we rename *PRINfoo* to *PRINT-foo* for all foo...
16. floating-point in format...
Probably the right thing to do. I have not thought about it.
17. Eliminate MAXPREFIX and MAXSUFFIX,...
18. vertical bars around a symbol following : or #:
We should definitely allow that. For this, or in fact any
pervasiveness attributable to a package prefix, one only needs
to define the "token" as the characters up to and including the
colon. I do not believe that this is hard to implement. As to
whether the package name may be enclosed in vertical bars, or
have funny hacks with case, really don't care, although i do think
that this will be harder.
19. ~:A and ~:S should only affect the printing of NIL given directly
as an argument, not the printing of NILs inside a printed list. This is
because these are for printing an object that is known to be a list, not
for printing data so it can be read compatibly into a N.I.L system.
Yes. I never did notice that this change had been introduced;
certainly this kludge has never been supported in my lisp
implementation. Who is responsible for this N.I.L. system you
mention which necessitates such grotesqueries?
20. APROPOS and PPRINT should return NIL...
I like zero values, but don't particularly care about that or NIL.
21. *features*...
Put them in the keyword package, and ensure that however the
test after #+/#- is read, it works without colons. (Whether
this be interning them there initially, or doing package-independent
comparison to test the features.)