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    Date: Wednesday, 25 May 1983, 13:29-EDT
    From: Bernard S. Greenberg <BSG@SCRC-TENEX>
    What is the reason for this new wart in the definition of REDUCE, i.e.,
    REDUCE of a one-element subsequence does not invoke the function?

Since the function is required to take two arguments, how could it be invoked
when there is only one thing to give it?

The bug here (I just looked at a recent version of KSEQUE.MSS) is that the
clarification note about one-element (sub)sequences should have said that
it only applies to the case where no :initial-value is specified.  If a
:initial-value is specified, then the function is not invoked in the case
where the subsequence contains -zero- elements.

So far as I know none of this is new, it's just that the manual doesn't
explain it at all clearly.