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Addendum to my answers on ballot A

I was so busy being terse that I forgot these notes:
For question 7, I favor flushing FSET and retaining SET.  While we're
at it, let's reinstate ASET.

Regarding MAKE-RANDOM-STATE, I oppose the ability for the user to
provide an integer seed.  The laser edition specifies that an argument
of T will cause MAKE-RANDOM-STATE to initialize the new state object
in a "random" manner.  The reason for this specification is that the
implementor knows how many bits of state are in the state object
and the user does not, so the user can't know whether his seed
is "random enough"; the implementor can do a much better job of
randomizing the state.  If the user wants to be able to make
several random-state objects that all begin with the same seed,
he is advised to call (MAKE-RANDOM-STATE T) and then make
several copies of the result.  The object may be written out to
a file and read back in (this is specified precisely so that
you can get consistent random behavior in separate sessions).